Preschool - Amanda Hanifee

Preschool children include newborns through two years old. Nursery  is available for all newborns six weeks old or older through crawlers for the 9:45am and 11am services. Preschoolers advance to toddlers once walking. 

We believe spiritual foundations are being formed during the early childhood years that will provide a basis from which children will draw in later childhood and throughout life. Preschoolers are taught that Jesus loves me, and Jesus is my friend. Bible stories and Biblical truths are a primary part of the curriculum we teach. It is upon this foundation of truth we pray our preschoolers will later pattern their lives. We believe preschoolers learn through play. Bible learning activities are provided to develop and nurture the interaction for each preschooler with their teacher and friends.


  • Sunday morning - Sunday School - 9:45am
  • Sunday morning  - Children's church - 11am